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  • Isack Abeneko

    Country  Tanzania
    Genres band pop dance fusion
    Facebook /IsackAbeneko
    FestivalSauti za Busara 2018

    Mama Chambewa 2015; Salam (single), 2017 

    Isack Abeneko - SALAM (Official Video)

    Isack Abeneko
    Isack Abeneko

    Isack Abeneko is a contemporary live performer, actor, dancer, guitarist and choreographer. His music is derived from various Tanzanian traditional dances, melodies and rhythms, blended with contemporary dance music to illuminate and inspire the next generation.

    Abeneko delivers social messages, with a patriotism that is not merely flag-waving. “It is my hope to provide a different perspective to the youth who are inspired by western culture and other music styles. They have not grown up to appreciate their own musical heritage and it is disappearing” says Abeneko. 

    His debut album Mama Chambewa was released in 2015. His latest song Salam (2017) has been a huge hit on Tanzanian TV and radio.

    Abeneko has participated in many music-exchange projects and performed at different festivals including Karibu Music Festival (Bagamoyo), DoaDoa (Uganda), Marahaba Swahili Music Festival, Wikiendi Live Music Concert, The Beat Festival as well as in Denmark, Germany, South Africa, South Korea, USA, Holland, Austria, Poland, Kenya, Malawi and Rwanda. 

    A new album is scheduled for release in January 2018.