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  • Mafunzo Ngoma

    Country  Zanzibar
    Genres roots traditional
    FestivalSauti za Busara 2007
    Mafunzo Ngoma
    Mafunzo Ngoma

    Mafunzo Ngoma Cultural Group was formed in 1987 by 25 members. The group started by performing dance, choir and drama until late in 1988 when they also started including acrobatics as part of the show.


    Registered under Arts Council of Zanzibar (BASAZA), Mafunzo group performs regularly during campaigns and rallies, national and cultural events, and they also often contribute artists for the National Cultural Troupe of Zanzibar for international tours.

    Mafunzo Ngoma perform different styles of traditional ngoma from various regions of Zanzibar and mainland Tanzania. Having toured in South Korea 1997, The Netherlands 1999 and Dubai 2001, the group boasts extensive experience in the field of arts and culture. "Kiti cha Mfalme" (The King's Throne) is one of their most popular shows, in which all the acrobats scramble for a single chair in amazingly gymnastic prowess.