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  • Sibusiso 'Mash' Mashiloane

    Country  South Africa
    Genres jazz
    Website www.sibumash.com
    Facebook /sibusisomashmashiloane
    FestivalSauti za Busara 2020

    Amanz Olwandle, 2016; Rotha - A Tribute to Mama, 2017; Closer to Home, 2018

    Closer To Home ft Siya Makuzeni

    Sibusiso 'Mash' Mashiloane

    Sibusiso ‘Mash’ Mashiloane is a prolific artist whose academic credentials speak volumes on the discipline and passion he has for music. After gaining his master's degree in Jazz Performance and graduating from the University of KwaZulu Natal, he is currently studying towards his PhD focussing on the concept of home through the lens of South African Jazz. At this same time, he has become an integral performer within the South African and international jazz scene who has earned many awards and nominations with his performances and recordings.

    Mashiloane has released three albums in as many years: Amanz' Olwandle (2016), Rotha, A Tribute to Mama (2017) and Closer to Home (2018).

    His debut album ‘Amanz' Olwandle’ provided the first glimpse of a promising musical journey, receiving two Mzantsi Jazz Awards, for Best Contemporary Jazz Album (decided by jury) and Best Jazz Album (voted by the public).

    His second album ‘Rotha - A Tribute to Mama’ is close to Sibusiso's heart, having been recorded on the day his mother passed away. He describes the album as sharing John Coltrane's harmonic movements, with African influences within the melodies, notably references to South African traditional and spiritual sounds. The album was nominated for three Mzantsi Jazz Awards with the song "Niza" earning him nominations for Best Male in Southern Africa and Best African Jazz Artist at the AFRIMA awards.

    In September 2018, Mashiloane released his third album "Closer to Home". Being born in Mpumalanga Province, surrounded by Ndebele, Pedi and Swazi people and later moving to KwaZulu Natal, he observed that each society breathes its own character.  All have their own transitional, cultural practices, which in turn give birth to new societies of mixed cultures and traditions. This is heard clearly in the ‘Closer to Home’ album, which is a culmination of the musical dialects and characteristics of the communities he has stayed and shared with.

    Closer to Home was nominated for Best Jazz Album in the South African Music Awards 2019.

    Mashiloane has played extensively on the South African circuit, in Mozambique, USA and beyond. His performances are inspired by funk, hiphop, gospel and traditional music from South Africa, attracting jazz aficionados as well as music fans of all genres.

    “For all his wide understanding of music, the drawcard for Mashiloane is still his persona on the live stage, where he is both conductor and virtuoso player, almost falling off his stool as he burrows into a groove." - Mail & Guardian


    This project is supported by an ANT Mobility Grant from Pro Helvetia Johannesburg financed by the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC).