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  • Zemkala

    Country  Tanzania
    Genres acoustic dance fusion
    FestivalSauti za Busara 2006, 2007

    Zemkala Band - Mwumilie LIVE - Alliance Francaise


    Founded in 2003 by artists Kasembe Ungani and Fadhili Mkenda who were both originally with Sisi Tambala, Zemkala is a six-piece band performing a style of music known as "ngwashala" with its roots from the south of Tanzania. Most of the songs they play have Tanzanian roots, combining tradition and contemporary creativity.


    Four men in the group play instruments while the two women sing and dance. Their performances are energetic and explosive, strong testament to the long hours the group puts into practicing. Zemkala has performed in festivals and community campaigns organised by Population Services International (PSI), Busara Promotions, Music Mayday, Mundial Productions (NL), Save the Children, AMREF and others.

    The group's vision is to play a leading part in establishing an identity for the face of Tanzania music scene as well as to encourage more young people to gain self-respect and pride in their culture. Zemkala has travelled extensively around Tanzania and also performed in Kisumu (Kenya). In June 2006 Zemkala was one of the three Tanzania representatives in The Netherlands where they performed at the Festival Mundial in Tilburg.

    The group is now working to record and release their first album in 2007.