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Artists: Most Popular
Results: 129 to 134 of 441
  • Mafunzo Ngoma

    Mafunzo Ngoma Cultural Group was formed in 1987 by 25 members. The group started by performing dance, choir and drama until late in 1988 when they also started including acrobatics as part of the show.


    Registered under Arts Council of Zanzibar (BASAZA), Mafunzo group performs regularly during campaigns and rallies, national read more

  • Kozman Ti Dalon

    Kozman Ti Dalon is a group of 6 young performers from Reunion who live for their culture and their music.


    All were born in the Reunion city of Saint Louis. They draw inspiration from the maloya kabaré that the late Granmoun Bébé Manet proudly pioneered. Their first album read more

  • Qwela

    Live from Uganda comes a fresh and exciting young band, raised in a traditional African background and influenced by Western culture. Qwela musicians come up with a unique fusion of traditional African and contemporary Western music. They cater to a section of society that is not read more

  • Zein L’Abdin Trio

    Born on the island of Lamu, Kenya, the young Zein was surrounded by music as his father played host to the Arab traders. He started to play the oud in the 60s in Mombasa, and subsequently became akin to a musical father for the Kenyan taarab scene, with all the read more

  • Mutinda

    Mutinda's music is a journey through time and space.


    Marrying African traditional instrumentation such as nyatiti, maboom-boom drums, djembe, African flute with global elements as guitar, bass, keyboard, sax, violin and drums, he has created a unique style of soul-searching melodies and contagious rhythms.

    Although Mutinda's music is unique, he still has read more

  • Afrikali Band

    The band consists of four musicians Jhikoman, Salum, Andrew, Omar plus two dancers Naima and Sili, Afrikali's music is a vibrant and rich meeting of Tanzanian traditional styles from different tribes fusing with modern music. The main reason for the use of different tribal sounds is due to the fact read more