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  • Pamuzinda

    Country  Zimbabwe
    Genres dance fusion roots traditional
    FestivalSauti za Busara 2005

    Pamuzinda Theatre Productions was established in 1990, after lamenting the absence of art and ignorance of culture among youth in Zimbabwe. The group was officially launched at a St Mary's New Highfield Catholic Church with the blessing of the Catholic Youth Association. The group faced a lot of criticism since Day One of its formation. Elderly people thought it is against church doctrine, while some youth said: "How can you mix African culture and Christianity." Others believed, living in modern times, they cannot see themselves in traditional African dress. The group was finally expelled from operating under Catholic premises and Pamuzinda is now practising at Zimbabwe Hall Social Centre.


    Pamuzinda is composed of three categories: kintergarden, students and unemployed youth. As the capital of a widespread and powerful theatre house, they take art very seriously and aim to stop the disappearance of traditional arts and culture in Zimbabwe. On behalf of African artists who were suppressed over centuries, Pamuzinda is proud to perform and demonstrate their cultural heritage and artistic abilities.

    The theatre house caters for all aspects of theatre including music, poetry, drama, traditional and contemporary dances. With their traditional instruments ngoma, mbira, marimba and hosho, through their music not only do they reflect their immediate surroundings but also capture the essence of the whole of Africa. Enormous care is taken to design and perform harmonic songs, energetic, well- synchronised dance routines and splendid plays.

    To date Pamuzinda has toured in Zimbabwe, Botswana, South Africa, Zambia, Holland, Belgium, UK and Japan.

    More info: www.pamuzinda.de