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  • Jhikoman

    Country  Tanzania
    Genres band reggae
    Website www.jhikoman.com
    FestivalSauti za Busara 2004, 2007, 2010, 2014

    Chikondi, 2005

    Tupendane, 2008

    Yapo, 2009


    Jhiko man & Afrika kabisa band- Bongo ragga muffin


    Jhikoman is the best known Tanzanian reggae artist. His lyrics in English and Kiswahili and unique singing style have been touching people since 1994. For Jhiko music presents an opportunity to raise awareness about social oppression and justice. It also provides a medium for communicating messages of peace, love and unity.

    He has produced several albums and performed widely in Europe and Africa such as  Mela in Oslo, Norway, World Village festival / Maalma Kylassa in Helsinki, Finland;  Exeter Respect Festival in Exeter City-Devon UK and locally at ZIFF- Zanzibar International Film Festival, and Sauti za Busara in Zanzibar as well as Bagamoyo International Art  Festival etc
    In 2005 released his album named Chikondi, Jhiko Manyika keeps exploring, combining roots reggae with acoustic African sounds. The album was released in collaboration with other international artists including Baran M. from Kurdistan, Khalid Salih from Sudan, Uriel Seri from Ivory Coast, Thorbjørn Holte, Geir Inge Storli, Henrik Johnsen and “Jacob” from Norway, OnRebel G from Mexico and Sister Yana from Brazil.

    In 2008 recorded “Tupendane” at Studio Red in Finland. In 2009 Jhikoman collaborated with Udumood music Helsinki-Finland for the highly acclaimed album “Yapo”.  Jhikoman continues with his passion for song writing and energetic performances as he speaks for the voiceless and make his voice and music heard.
    Jhikoman promise to not only moves your feet, but also positively stir your mind and soul.  Jhikoman’s words carry a power beyond bullets. As he put it in the song Mental Chain from album Moyo Unadunda, Jhikoman emphasizes “No more bloodshed for our liberation…to free our own minds is the last and permanent solution “.
    The journey continues for Jhiko Manyika to compose songs in a unique style without boundaries, a product of continued spiritual searching and musical experimentation.

    With thanks to Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation